- Wet Like a Denture Cup
- Keep Eatin' Those Chips
- Shouldn't cost a lot to get drunk
- There's not a quota around here
- He doesn't have clean pays
- Probiotic Gummies
- Floaty Drink Holder
- Podcasts are sooooo boring!
- Grown Ass Storycast
- He has dentures!
- Dental prophylactic
- The Old Gum Job
- Do you know what we could put in those holes?
- Slipping them to my enemies
- Milton Berle's Penis
- I like your pussy, Brent
- Your grandma's filthy?
- Imply that I like to nap
- Weird, dumb numbers
- You drank my teeth!
- Beer Olympian
- Snack Mule
- Velour and hats
- I'd come out ahead with the insurance fraud
- Please don't touch my fence
- We know you voted Republican